The Angel Fay Finds Her Wolf Page 13
“Did the man in the mask or his men hurt you?”
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” She tried to pull away, but our powers wouldn’t let her.
“Jess,” I whispered. “He said he had you. He showed me video of you fighting off Tom and then you were chained to your basement wall.”
“He told me he would whip you and make you scream if I didn’t do as he said,” she cried. “He showed me a video of you in your basement. It looked just like you. I couldn’t see your face. But you were shackled to your basement wall.” She broke down and cried.
“Show me everything, Jessica.” My voice was stern. “It’s just you and me.”
She showed me men coming at her on all sides. Her only protection was the chain. She whispered, “Forgive me, Kate.” She kicked a guy and he fell back. Then another man came at her. She wrapped the chain around his neck until she heard a magnified scream on the screen and speakers all around her.
“Again, the man in the mask said to Robert?”
“Yes, boss,” the man replied.
“Give her ten more.”
“He counted them out and I saw you scream and sob, and I saw the angry red marks on your back. I let go of the man as you screamed in bloody murder,” she cried.
“Sh, sh, sh, that wasn’t me.” I calmed her down. She showed the man in the mask push a button and her arms flew up and pulled her up as she was barely touching the floor. Then the men circled her and ripped off her clothing. They fondled her and touched her while they chained her feet apart. One man was daring enough to stick his finger inside her. She hid her face in her arm.
“We will find them,” I promised. “I want you to know that it wasn’t me in the basement. I am proud of you for fighting even if they would have had me. Don’t ever give up, not ever. You don’t have to deal with any of this by yourself anymore.” I showed her a quick picture of us as babies holding hands in the hospital. It calmed her.
“I tried to see who the man in the mask was without his mask on, but he was in the shadows most of the time, and it was so dark,” she said. “His name is Owen Ambers. He is a demon vampire, and a son of Lucifer.”
I opened my healing power and pushed it into Jessica, and pulled back the magic, taking her anxiety, fear and the dirty feelings she was feeling, exhaling it out into a black cloud above our heads. I said to Jessica, “Focus your love that you have for me and anyone else.” I held her hands up. “Now push it out through your hands.” She did, and a flaming blue light came out of her hands, blasting the darkness out of the sky. “How do you feel now?”
“Calmer,” she said.
“Good.” Then we heard a voice behind me.
The Spirit of Momma
“Oh, my girls, you did it. You found each other, finally.”
I suddenly turned around at the familiar voice I remembered. I gasped. “Momma, but how?” I said with tears filling my eyes. “But I w-watched you d-die.” I said, shaken. I started to cry.
“Oh, my sweet girl.” She walked over to us and cupped my face. “My body died, but my spirit will live on. I’ve been hidden here in your power so that I could help guide you, when your powers found each other.”
Momma turned to Jessica and wrapped her in a huge hug. “Jessa,” Momma said, and then let go and grabbed her hands. “I am so sorry, my baby girl, that I didn’t get to see you grow up and give you the proper family you deserved. I have dreamt of this day for a long time. I wish I could have held you and been there for you, my dear.”
“Wait, what do you mean, finally found each other?” I asked Momma.
“Well, your magic was supposed to activate when you both found each other and now you have. I can begin to--”
I cut Momma off. “Momma, we have been together for years. Jessica has been with me since the third grade. They moved here a couple months after her adopted dad died.”
Momma looked very confused. “But then your power should have activated when you met and should have brought you here when you touched the very first time.”
I shook my head. “No, Momma, we just got our powers.”
Momma gasped. “No, that can’t be. Give me your hands. I need to see what happened when you met.”
“Um, but--”
Momma cut me off. “Katlynn Anne Nickels, show me now.” I began showing her Bradley picking me up at the station. She gasped. “Bradley,” and Daddy walking us out of the sheriff’s station and talking with Bradley about my day.
“See if you can work with her and get her to say something. The therapist.” Momma looked at me questioningly. “He said she is very intelligent and thinks we need to start treating her like we expect her to speak to us and to stop enabling her. He said we need to start having her ask us for things she needs. Not to just set it in front of her.”
Momma stopped me there. “What happened? Why did you need a therapist?”
“I stopped speaking to everyone after the accident.” I shrugged. Momma looked at me with one of those looks that said, Go on. “Because I felt alone. No one would believe me; every time I woke up hysterical in the hospital, they drugged me. The machines around me would blow up, and they would knock me back out with drugs. Then I felt as if someone was digging through my memories, as they drugged me. I felt as if someone was trying to take them from me. So, I built a box in my mind, and I put my memories there.” I looked at Momma. “Like when you taught me to conceal my angel light as a child, I put everything, even my light, in the box and locked it. Whoever was digging through my mind must have hidden the box and then I guess they made me forgot about it. I felt as if I was missing a part of me, and when I tried to remember you, I would have pain in my head, and I would get sick.”
Realization just hit me. “Until I found your scent and followed it to this cabin.”
“My scent?” Momma said. Her eyes widened as she realized. “Oh, well, you are part shifter.”
“There is more to that story, Momma, but I will show you that later, okay?” Momma nodded.
“Anyway, all of my memories and my power came flooding back when I found your scent. It led me to the cabin.” Momma asked me to continue with the memory. I focused and I heard Daddy and Bradley talking in the background of my mind, and when I looked across the street, I saw the girl in the cup.
I had found her, I thought, and I smiled so brightly at Jessica, in my memory. I started to walk across the street to her. When I heard, “NO!” Daddy ran and rolled with me out of the way of a car and saved me. He stood up, looking me over. Then he yelled, “What were you thinking, Kate?”
I looked around him, pointing at the girl, and told Daddy, “I found her, Daddy. Let me go!” and I tried to walk over to her.
“We were looking for you that day,” I said. “Trying to reach her.”
Daddy turned me to him. “You spoke,” he said and then hugged me.
“Daddy, she’s alive,” I said, reaching out to her. “Momma told me to find her, and I did!”
He turned and gasped as he looked at Jessica. He suddenly turned me to him and whispered something in my ear and my eyes went blank. Then I stopped struggling, and I forgot everything that I was trying to do. Momma and I both gasped at what Daddy had done. “No.” Our eyes widened.
“Why would he do that?” I said. Then a lady came running out of the apartment building.
“Jessica, Jessica. Where are you?”
“I am right here, Mom.” She waved her hand, so her mom could spot us.
“Oh, my goodness, are you okay? I heard a scream and tires squeal.” She looked Jessica over.
“No, no, it was just my girl, and I got to her in time. She is fine. Hi, I am Sheriff Benton Nickels?”
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Brenda Adams, and this is my daughter, Jessica.”
Daddy looked at her and took in all her features and smiled. Jessica walked over to talk to me, but I was still in a bit dazed from Daddy’s little spell. Jessica tou
ched her finger to my cheek. A huge spark lit up, and we all heard a pop. “Static electricity,” Brenda said.
“She gets me with it all the time, too. So, you two just moving into town?” the sheriff asked. Momma stopped me after that and turned to Jessica.
“Jessa, may I see what happened through your eyes?” Momma asked her.
“My name is Jessica.” Hurt and sadness flashed in Momma’s eyes.
“No,” she said sadly, “whoever took you from the hospital gave you that name. I, your real mother, named you Jessa LeAnne Nickels, and I will call you by your rightful name. Now, may I have your hand, please?” Momma held out her hand and waited for Jess to do as she asked. I held out my hand to Jess. She sighed and grabbed mine and then Momma’s hand.
“Now just breath and focus on what you saw that day.” Momma went to her same memory of that day. But this time, she saw my daddy wearing a necklace that I hadn’t noticed. It lit up when he turned me to him, and it gave him the power to make someone forget and move on by whispering something in their ear.
“That man has fought me every step of the way,” Momma said. “He must have gotten that from a witch. Why would he do that? I will deal with him later for that,” Momma said. Jessica jerked her hands away and wrapped them around herself.
“Jessa,” Momma said.
Tears fell from Jess’s face, and I wrapped her in a hug. “Sh, it’s not her fault, Jess. She doesn’t know.”
Momma looked at us. “Is everything alright?” Momma looked at me for answers.
I smiled sadly. “Momma, you can’t deal with Daddy later,” I said. I gave Momma my hand and showed her what happened. It was years later, and we were older. Jessica and I walked to the sheriff’s station after school, every day. We were being a bit too loud and rowdy, so Brenda told us to go have a milkshake and do our homework at the diner. About twenty minutes later, we heard gunfire and screaming. We ran to the window of the diner, and a huge explosion went off in the back of the station. Jessica ran out of the diner. I yelled for her to wait, and I ran after her. Just as Jessica got to the curb, the station door opened, and a man with a shotgun came out. I had just gotten to Jessica. I grabbed her hand and yanked her behind me as my hand went up instinctively, and the man flew back through the glass door. Startled, Jessica looked at me and ran in yelling, “Mom, mom!” as I stared at my hand, at what I had just done. Then I heard a scream. I yelled, “Jessica!” just as the windows blew out of the building. I raised my arms to cover my face from the glass and when nothing hit me, I looked as the glass was frozen in the air. I put my hands down and it dropped to the ground. When I ran in and found Jess, she was rocking back and forth crying over her mom, who had been shot in the chest. Momma gasped and went to Jessica and hugged her.
“Oh my, baby, I am so sorry,” Momma said. She just sat there holding her for a moment. Still holding onto Momma’s hands, I showed her the rest. I looked for Daddy. But I couldn’t see him. The smoke was so bad. Then I heard, “Kate, get down.” I turned to see the shotgun pointing right at me. I heard several shots, and Daddy knocked me down. I couldn’t move. I froze up. All I could see was Daddy’s face with no life in his eyes, and he was on top of me, and the man ran out of the station through a big hole in the wall, and that is when I saw the Howlers’ MC on the back of his jacket.
Momma gasped as she saw Cooper and Jess finding me. I felt Daddy’s weight being lifted off me. Cooper carried me out of the station to an ambulance and I had to assure them it was not my blood.
“Girls, I am so sorry you had to go through losing so much in your lives.” Momma hugged us both. “But do you both realize you used your powers that day? Kate, you saved Jessa by throwing that man back into the glass door; and Jessa, when you found your mom and screamed, you blew out the windows of the building. So, what happened to your powers after that?”
“Nothing,” I said. “Cooper made us go to the hospital to get checked out. But then our lives went back to normal everyday life,” I told Momma.
“Let me see your memories while you were at the hospital. Your powers should have stayed with you at that point,” she said. I couldn’t recall any memory of the hospital. But Jessica remembered Miss Jane. “Who is Miss. Jane?” asked Momma.
“She was my father’s nurse, and my nanny for many years. She came with us to Texas, after my adopted father died, to help my mother with me.”
She showed Momma, Miss Jane coming into my room and then Jess’s memory faded. Momma gasped as she had gotten a glimpse at Miss. Jane. “Leah,” she said.
“Who is Leah?” I asked.
“She is a distant cousin, and a seer,” Momma said. “Her power is to see the past, present, and future. We all have a bit of this power, but Leah is exceptional at it. Most of us just see glimpses of things and feel feelings that come along with them. But Leah can see everything and understand what others cannot. If she is involved in taking you from us, it is because she has seen something greater than I ever could, and we weren’t able to keep it from coming to pass without her help, which means it was prophetic enough for her to change your futures. Well now, all we can do is make sure you can protect yourselves against being bound again.” Then she gave us a list of herbs, and a spell to say and then to drink them.
“Momma, I need to tell you something. When Jonathan and I mated, something happened to me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Inside me, I feel different now and I’m not sure if it is a good or bad thing. Here.” I held out my hand. “It’s better if I show you.”
I took both of their hands so as not to leave Jessica out, because this could also be her future. I showed Momma what had happened to me, and Jessica filled in parts that I couldn’t with what happened to her. I watched Momma as her eyes lit up, as I shifted into a beautiful white wolf. She gasped as she looked through our memories.
“I remember that feeling, with your father. It is called the mating bond. You both have felt the pull now. It is meant to be, so it can’t be wrong or right it just is, and it’s made you stronger, Kate. Stronger than just angel and fairy. You were born with shifter blood in you. It is a part of you, just as you were born with angel blood and fay magic. The reason you’re able to shift is because your father was in a military project. He was special forces and they injected him with animal DNA. He became part wolf,” she explained.
“Your father could not fully shift, like you, but when we had you, the two of you, it was now part of your DNA and now, from what you have shown me of Jonathan, being like your father, part shifter and then the mix of your power, from your bite, you both are able to fully shift. Tell me, does Jonathan share your powers now?” Momma asked.
“Um, not that we have seen. He can only fully shift into a wolf.”
Momma nodded her head at me. “Good, good, it is how it should be.” Momma touched the crystals around my neck. “What are you guarding yourself against?”
I explained my situation with being an empath and I began feeling everything and what everyone was feeling all the time and it was hurting me physically. “You need to find it in yourself to use and feel all of that pain and love. It will make you stronger,” said Momma. I nodded to her.
“Now, I would like to see some of your young memories, Jessa. Will you allow me to see?” Momma lifted her hand to Jess.
Jessica grabbed my hand for dear life, and I laughed at Jess. “Your face was priceless.” I made her face and said, “If I’m going in, you’re coming with me.”
Jess and I busted out laughing, Momma just let us have our moment. She looked stern, but I could tell she enjoyed seeing us laughing in a hard moment.
Momma grabbed Jessica’s hand and we saw for the first time Jessica’s view of the day we were born. “No!” Momma gasped. “How could she? She should have come to me.”
“Who, Momma?” I asked.
“Leah,” she said angrily. “My own cousin and best friend at one time. Why did she take you?”
We watched as she to
ok baby Jessa from the hospital cradle into an unused room and took some blood from her and poured it on the blanket, saying a spell (Bus cella). Leah made the blanket disappear. Later that day it had been found in the basement of the hospital, I told Jess. Then, using a glamour spell, she made herself look different and like she was carrying a two-year-old and walked right out of the hospital. We saw that she drove for three days only stopping to feed and change Jessa. Then she put her on the doorstep of a church.
Momma had tears. “She made you an orphan. After all that. I felt complete rage from Momma.
Jess showed us a memory of Brenda and the nun as she placed her in Brenda’s arms. Jess shared the first look and how Brenda fell in love at first site and agreed to take me home. I was five months old,” Jess said. It seemed to help Momma calm down.
“Were they good to you?” Momma cried with tears.
“Yes, they were the best,” Jess answered. “But then Richard got very ill, but he still gave me 100% of his time until the day he died.”
“Leah bound your powers so I couldn’t trace you,” Momma said. “That is why you were never found. I had to use Kate’s blood to call your blood magic together,” Momma said. Momma looked at me.
Jessica showed us a memory of her playing and kicking a soccer ball with friends in a park. Something came out of the shadows and attacked the two other children. Jessica screamed, and her dad, who was very sick with cancer, was sitting in a wheelchair nearby watching them play. He came running and barreled into the creature that tried to attack Jessica.
Jessica was screaming for her daddy that the creature now had just killed in front of her. Suddenly a blast of white light came from behind Jessica, and the creature blew up. Jessica fell back and hit her head. The blast had knocked her off her feet. Leah ran to her and picked her up, taking her inside and calling the police.